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正规博彩十大网站排名学院 enrolls students of diverse backgrounds, interests 和 talents whose academic 和 personal qualities promise success. 我们鼓励所有符合条件的学生申请.

If you have attended a regionally accredited institution in the past five years, you are considered a transfer or nontraditional student. 24岁以上的学生也被认为是非传统学生,即使你以前没有上过大学.

Successful transfer or nontraditional students typically have attended a regionally accredited institution in the past 5 years, 和 enter 正规博彩十大网站排名学院 with a college GPA of 3.0或更高,至少30个学分.

任何种族的合格学生, 年龄, creed or national or ethnic origin are encour年龄d to apply to Agnes Scott.

除了, 作为一个学习型社区,拥抱自己的身份和使命,作为一个女子学院和它的承诺,包容性卓越, 我们招收生来就被指定为女生的学生, as well as those who were assigned male or female at birth but who now identify as female, 变性人, 日期, 性别流动或非二元. 阅读更多关于我们 性别表达和性别认同政策.


The recommended high school academic program is a minimum of:

  • 4年英语
  • 4年数学
  • 四年实验室或物理科学专业
  • 四年的社会科学专业
  • 2年外语学习

Credits 和 diplomas must be earned at accredited institutions. 根据具体情况,学生可以在没有推荐课程数量的情况下被录取. 我们也建议你至少有3分.大学课程的平均绩点为0.


提交SAT或ACT成绩是可选的. 欢迎学生提交考试成绩,如果他们认为他们是一个学生的代表, 但并不需要这样做. 您将有机会在通用申请补充材料上告诉我们您是否希望我们审查您的考试成绩. 所有的学生, regardless of whether or not they submit 考试成绩, 会被我们所有的优秀奖学金考虑吗. 

We encour年龄 all students to consider the optional interview with an admission counselor, where we are able to learn more about you 和 your interests, 而你可以向你的招生顾问询问问题,并了解更多关于艾格尼丝·斯科特的信息.

如果你应该选择提交考试成绩, 正规博彩十大网站排名接受学生和/或学生的大学辅导员自报的SAT和ACT考试成绩. Self-reported 考试成绩 may be shared with the college by way of transcripts, a PDF by email 和/or uploaded through the applicant portal, 或将PDF附在通用申请中.

You must be able to proficiently communicate in English from the first day of classes. 因为这个期望, 如果你的母语不是英语, 你需要提交分数从 作为外语的英语考试 (托福), 国际英语语言测试系统 (雅思), 多邻国英语测试(DET)剑桥英语:高级 (CAE)或  provide alternative evidence of English langu年龄 proficiency.

Agnes Scott接受托福MyBest成绩.


  • 托福网考80分
  • 雅思- 6.5
  • Det - 110
  • Cae - 176

还有问题吗?? 浏览我们的常见问题:

被艾格尼丝·斯科特录取, transfer students must complete the application process. 参观 如何申请 页面转学生了解更多.

Do you require the SAT or ACT for transfer applicants?
艾格尼丝·斯科特是一所非强制考试机构. Students may choose if they wish for us to evaluate an SAT or ACT score, 和 no penalty is incurred should students wish to proceed without 考试成绩. 我们根据几个因素来审查申请, 包括修过的课程, 的成绩获得, 大学论文, 活动及荣誉, 建议, 和, 如果提交, 考试成绩

What are the application deadlines for transfer students?
Our application deadline for the spring semester is November 1. 秋季入学截止日期为6月1日. 更多信息请访问我们的 转学生截止日期.

All transfer application materials must be postmarked by the respective deadline. This includes transcripts from all colleges attended. We recommend submitting the FAFSA by your application deadline, but at least two months prior to the start of the academic semester you would like to attend.

一旦你的申请文件完成,你将在一个月内收到录取决定. If you have not received a decision within four weeks, 跟进转学入学顾问,确保你所有的申请材料都收到了.


Who is considered to be a nontraditional/adult student?
根据艾格尼丝·斯科特的指导方针,24岁以上的学生被认为是非传统的. Successful nontraditional students typically enter college with a GPA of 3.0或更高,至少30个学分 completed in the last 5 years.

我是一名转学和/或非传统学生,但我在过去的五年里没有上过大学课程. 我有资格入学吗?
在过去五年中没有在地区认可的学院或大学学习大学课程的转学或非传统学生在这个时候不会是一个好的入学候选人. 我们建议进入社区学院或其他地区认可的学院/大学,然后在成功完成30个学分后申请转学生到艾格尼丝·斯科特.

我上过不止一所学校. Do I need to send transcripts from every school where I have taken college courses?
所有曾经就读过的学院或大学的正式成绩单都必须被录取. This includes transcripts from joint/dual enrollment programs, 出国留学, summer transient courses or any other college coursework attempted.

Who is a good c和idate for transfer admission to Agnes Scott?

  • 在过去的五年中,是否在地区认可的学院或大学完成了大学课程
  • 保持在3以上.0转学GPA
  • In progress or completed 30 hours of college coursework

Are scholarships 和 financial aid available for transfer students?
符合条件的转学学生和非传统学生将被考虑申请基于需求的援助和基于成绩的奖学金. 阅读更多关于我们 艾格尼丝·斯科特奖学金 以及他们的要求. For almost all of our transfer merit-based scholarships, 不需要单独申请, but you do need to complete the FAFSA to be considered for financial aid.

正规博彩十大网站排名Phi Theta Kappa奖学金是一个竞争激烈的奖项,提供给至少有45个学分的学生.5 GPA 和 are current members of Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society. Incoming transfer students 和/or nontraditional students are eligible for these awards. Part-time students 和 those with previous bachelor's degrees are not eligible. The scholarship award begins at $20,000 per year 和 is renewable. 然而, it is important to note that based on the strength of your application, 你可能会被考虑获得更高的奖学金,以取代Phi Theta Kappa奖学金, 20美元起,000-$26,000.

我之前被艾格尼丝·斯科特录取,但选择了另一所学院或大学. 我还需要填写另一份申请吗?
是的,你需要向艾格尼丝·斯科特申请. If you were accepted to Agnes Scott in the last two years, you may use our re-admission应用程序 to be considered for admission following the steps that are relevant to your situation.

If you were accepted to Agnes Scott over two years ago, 你需要按照转学表上列出的步骤重新申请正规博彩十大网站排名 如何申请 页面.

I withdrew from Agnes Scott 和 would like to re-enroll. 我必须重新填写整个申请表吗?
正规博彩十大网站排名退学的学生现在希望重新入学,不需要重新提交完整的申请. 如欲申请入学,请使用我们的 re-enrollment应用程序 和 follow the steps that are relevant to your situation.

在你被录取后的几周内, 你会收到初步的信用评估, 哪一个估计你的可转让学分的数量. 大学只有在评估你的最终成绩单后才会确定实际的学分. 不超过64个学分(相当于两年)可以转移到正规博彩十大网站排名. You must have earned an A, B or C in a course to receive course credit.

What is the maximum number of credits that will transfer into Agnes Scott?
我们最多接受64个学分, which is equal to two years of full-time coursework at Agnes Scott.

转学生需要满足通识教育要求才能最终从艾格尼丝·斯科特毕业, 但这些要求与入学的一年级学生的要求略有不同.

我已经获得了副学士学位. 我有资格申请吗?
Yes, we would be happy to review your transfer application.

我已经完成了一个学士学位,但我对在正规博彩十大网站排名获得第二个学士学位很感兴趣. 我有资格申请吗?
艾格尼丝·斯科特将考虑已完成学士学位的学生的转学申请. 学院的优异奖学金和经济援助不适用于攻读第二个学士学位的学生.

What if I want to transfer to Agnes Scott as a college senior?

I’m very interested in one of Agnes Scott’s dual-degree programs (Engineering, 护理学及计算机科学). 这些对转学生有什么作用?
Not all transfer students at Agnes Scott are a good fit for our dual-degree programs. 因为这些都是转移伙伴关系, 在转入正规博彩十大网站排名之前已经修了一年以上课程的学生可能不太适合这些课程, 因为他们要求学生在转到合作学校(埃默里大学护理和计算机科学学院或佐治亚理工学院工程学院)完成学位之前,在正规博彩十大网站排名学习64个学分(两年课程)。.

What housing options are available for transfer students?
Transfer students are eligible to live in one of our residence halls, 主题屋或大学公寓. More information on residence hall options can be found on the 居住生活 网站.

Are nontraditional students required to live on campus?
No, nontraditional students (students older than 24) are not required to live on campus. Campus housing is offered on a space-available basis for nontraditional students, 也有一些限制. 周围的迪凯特镇也为其他住房资源和儿童保育提供了便利. 学校不提供家庭住房.

作为一个即将到来的转学生, you will register for housing later than returning 和 other new incoming students. As a result, the 居住生活 staff will work with you to place you in a residence hall.

所有转学生都参加迎新活动,欢迎他们加入艾格尼丝·斯科特社区. 迎新活动在上课前进行.




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