Affordability & Value at Agnes Scott

现在,大学费用比以往任何时候都更成为未来大学生及其家庭的担忧. 众所周知,私立大学的学费通常比公立大学高. 但是,当你看到大学的成本超出标价时,会发生什么呢?

Nationally, 大约三分之二上私立大学的全日制学生得到了学校的资助,这使得上私立大学的费用降低到甚至比当地公立大学还便宜的程度. 根据佐治亚独立学院协会(GICA)的说法, 乔治亚州私立大学研究生毕业速度更快(阅读:四年后) than public universities do (50% versus 32%). At Agnes Scott College, 我们致力于为您提供具有变革性的本科体验, purposeful and valuable in more ways than one.



The literal cost of attending Agnes Scott.

For the 2023-2024 school year, ALL IN, AVERAGE TOTAL COST TO ATTEND AGNES SCOTT (我们指的是学费、杂费、住宿费、餐费、交通费、书费和预计费用) is just under $65,000 annually ——比其他一些私立文理学院少得多. 尽管提供一流教育体验的成本不断上升,但我们未来的学生期望并适合“南方七姐妹”之一,“我们一直致力于将每年的学费涨幅保持在尽可能低的水平.

But the "cost of attendance" doesn't exist in a vacuum. More important are some other numbers: how much will you actually pay per year after scholarships & grants, how likely are you receive to aid and, most importantly, how many years of college will you actually be paying for? Compare some of the colleges in Georgia on those factors:

Institution Average Cost After All Grants % Receiving ANY Aid % Awarded ANY Student Loans Avg. 4-Year Graduation Rate Avg. 6 Year Graduation Rate
Agnes Scott College $27,333 100% 53% 67.2% 71%
Berry College $25,876 100% 48% 61.8% 68.2%
Emory University $31,077 61% 22% 82.4% 90.2%
Georgia State University $21,003 97% 40% 28.4% 54.2%
Kennesaw State University $20,573 91% 40% 15.6% 45.4%
Mercer University $23,317 100% 52% 54.6% 68.6%
Oglethorpe University $26,200 100% 83% 39.2% 50.8%
Spelman College $37,405 100% 76% 67.2% 75.2%

Beyond the Dollar Sign: What We Do for You

接受一流教育的费用不应成为学生的障碍. At Agnes Scott, 100%的学生获得奖学金和/或助学金 (money that doesn't have to be paid back), reducing the total cost of their college attendance by 60%. 我们相信,无论你的经济状况如何,都应该给你一个在艾格尼丝·斯科特出类拔萃的机会, 我们致力于使我们独特的私立大学教育能够为合格的学生提供方便和负担得起的教育.




the average amount of scholarships & grants awarded per student






Agnes Scott students who graduate in four years (on average)
Student smiling

A Journey of Value

Student Success Story

21岁的利亚·特罗特曼充分利用了正规博彩十大网站排名提供给她的所有机会, including studying abroad twice, serving as a Peer Advisor, 作为SGA的成员并提交一篇学术论文发表. Leah was named both a Truman and a Marshall Scholar, 其中最后一个奖项使她成为美国历史上第一位获奖者.S. Virgin Islands.

艾格尼丝·斯科特一直被认为是社会流动性最高的机构,这是有原因的——因为我们提供了服务 multiple pathways for our students to be successful at Agnes Scott.


The Student Body

  • 56.5% of degree-seeking undergraduates identify as Students of Color.
  • 26.5% of undergraduate students are first generation college students.
  • 71% of first generation college students at Agnes Scott earn a bachelor's degree in six years, with the same percentage as our student body as a whole. Nationally, only 44% of first generation students do the same.
  • Over 40% of Agnes Scott students with significant financial need receive the Pell Grant (a value of up to $7,395).
  • The average four-year graduation rate of all students is 67%.

Bonus Bookmark: Learn about 学院对公正、多元化、公平和包容的承诺.


Institutional Aid

Agnes Scott's merit-based aid opportunities range from $25,000-$28,000,有500- 5000美元不等的特殊奖学金机会. 百分之百的第一次全日制本科生获得机构资助,例如 $25,000 Agnes Scott $100K Promise (renewable for four years, totaling $100,000 of merit aid) or the full tuition, room and board Marvin B. Perry Presidential Scholarship. Remember that 100% of students receive scholarship or grant aid.


State Aid- For Georgia Residents

如果你在注册正规博彩十大网站排名之前的12个月里,你的永久地址在佐治亚州,你就有资格成为佐治亚州居民. 乔治亚州HOPE奖学金和泽尔·米勒奖学金适用于符合条件的州内学生(学生只能获得其中之一)。. Consider these facts:

  • 57% of in-state Agnes Scott students 获得佐治亚希望奖学金,每年奖学金金额高达4992美元.
  • 21% of in-state Agnes Scott students 获得泽尔·米勒奖学金,每年奖学金金额高达5970美元.
  • The 全额奖学金和经济援助计划满足需求的平均百分比 for in-state students is 85%. 


Federal Aid
联邦援助和额外的艾格尼丝·斯科特助学金是根据符合条件的学生提交的 the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to Agnes Scott. 对于有重大经济需要的学生,佩尔助学金最高可获得7美元,395 and Stafford Loans are awarded up to $5,500 for your first year. 即使你认为你不符合资格,我们也鼓励你完成FAFSA.

*Agnes Scott College data provided by the Office of Institutional Research.

*Page last updated: 11/1/2023


Private colleges are only for the wealthy.


私立大学实际上被称为公益场所. 乔治亚独立学院63%的学生获得了机构资助, for a total of almost $150,000,000 in grant aid.

Estimate Your Net Cost

Start Your Application


The Agnes Scott $100K Promise

Two students smiling at each other.
The Agnes Scott $100K Promise is for all students applying for the Fall 2024 school year. 如果你被阿格尼斯·斯科特学院录取2024年秋季入学,你将获得 at least a $25,000 renewable merit-based scholarship annually. 在艾格尼丝·斯科特的四年里,这将成为你所承诺的 $100,000. Based on the strength of your application, you may be considered for higher scholarships, ranging from $26,000-$28,000 per year (a four-year total of $104,000-$112,000).


Connecting You to Success

根据全国大学和雇主协会的研究, 雇主通常把批判性思维和沟通能力——文科学习的支柱——排在技术能力之前 essential skills for career readiness. 通过对21世纪文科的重新想象,叫做 SUMMIT, 我们帮助您实现您的长期职业成功和目标, a track record that speaks for itself. *Graduate outcomes data provided by the Office of Internship and Career Development.

Bonus Bookmark: Delve deeper into our approach to professional development and success during your full four years of undergrad.

of the Class of 2022 had accepted a job offer, 奖学金或研究生院实习,毕业后一年
First to second year retention rate
艾格尼丝·斯科特(Agnes Scott)在《正规博彩十大网站排名》(u.s. news)“最佳合作与实习学校”排行榜上的排名.S. News & World Report, 2024
艾格尼丝·斯科特(Agnes Scott)在美国大学“最佳留学学校”排行榜上的排名.S. News & World Report, 2024
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